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  • Always Sunshine Nguyen Duy Tri • Acid Madness • 2023
    always sunshine nguyen duy tri • acid madness • 2023

    Always Sunshine Nguyen Duy Tri • Acid Madness • 2023

    Always Sunshine by Nguyen Duy Tri, from the album Acid Madness released in 2023, is an upbeat and energetic electronic dance music (EDM) song. It features a catchy melody, a driving beat, and bright and airy synths. The song is about the joy of life and the importance of staying positive, even in the darkest of times.

    In this article, we are going to know about always sunshine nguyen duy tri • acid madness • 2023.


    Always Sunshine

    Even when the sky is gray
    And the clouds are all around
    I know that the sun is always there
    Shining bright, making no sound

    So I’m gonna keep my head up high
    And I’m gonna smile wide
    ‘Cause I know that the sunshine is always coming Back into my life

    (Chorus)Always sunshine, always sunshine
    Even when the rain falls hard
    Always sunshine, always sunshine
    Shining bright, like a shooting star

    I’m gonna dance in the sunshine
    And I’m gonna sing my song ‘
    Cause I know that the sunshine is always coming Back into my life

    (Chorus)Always sunshine, always sunshine
    Even when the rain falls hard
    Always sunshine, always sunshine
    Shining bright, like a shooting star

    Nguyen Duy Tri’s vocals are energetic and upbeat, perfectly conveying the mood of the song. The melody is catchy and easy to sing along to, and the beat is sure to get you dancing.


    The song begins with the image of a gray sky with clouds all around. This represents the challenges and difficulties that we face in life. However, the singer knows that the sun is always there, even if it is hidden behind the clouds. This suggests that there is always hope, even in the darkest of times.

    In the second verse, the singer resolves to keep their head up high and smile wide, even when the rain falls hard. This is a message of positivity and resilience. The singer knows that the sunshine will always come back into their life, no matter what challenges they face.

    The chorus of the song is a repetition of the phrase “always sunshine.” This reinforces the message that there is always hope, even in the darkest of times.

    Always Sunshine is an upbeat and uplifting EDM song that celebrates the joy of life and the importance of staying positive. It is sure to put you in a good mood and get you dancing.


    • Positivity
    • Resilience
    • Hope
    • Perseverance
    • Joy of life

    Overall, Always Sunshine is a well-crafted and enjoyable EDM song that is sure to put you in a good mood. It is a song with a positive message that will resonate with listeners of all ages.

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